Ms Access Guru
MS Access Development, MS Access Upgrades, MS Access Migration, MSAccessGuru
Services we offer you
Databases, like cars require regular maintenance to ensure they operate reliably and securely for you. Our team can assist you with all your requirements for your MS Access databases to ensure you and your business is getting the most from your investment.
We can develop new systems, maintain your existing systems as well as perform upgrades and migrations for you.
New Database Systems
Tailor made to your needs and training too

We can help you determine your needs, write your application and implement your new database system for you.
We will consult with you and determine how best to implement your solution based on your existing technology and recommend any new technology to ensure you get the best performance and security from your new system.
We can also train your staff to ensure they get the best performance and experience from you new database and application.
SQL Server or MySQL upgrades
To improve speed, security and increase life

MS Access databases can run for years then start getting unreliable and slow. Generally this is because there are more users than it was originally developed for, database is getting full. MS Access can get clunky when it starts to fill up.
We can come in, and move your data to an SQL Server or MySQL backend and make the necessary modifications to the frontend application to ensure it works with RDBMS.
This usually results in a remarkable performance boost and can allow your database to be used by 100's of users at the same time.
This will breath many more years life into your database and is much more cost efficient than rewriting the whole system to a new platform.
System Maintenance
Modifications to your existing system

All database systems require changes from time to time which come about through changing business needs, government regulations or the database is no longer operating at peak performance.
We can work with all versions including Microsoft Access 2003, Microsoft Access 2007, Microsoft Access 2010, and Microsoft Access 2013.
We will ensure you get many more years of reliable and secure service from your existing system.
Data Migration
Extract from Access or Load to Access

So your implementing a new SAP system and need to get those Access databases into SAP. We will write an application to extract the data from one or more MS Access databases, transform it and export it to Excel files so you SAP team can import it into SAP. We will work closely with your SAP team to get your data in the correct format for them.
Perhaps you have data in Excel files or some other database system you need migrated to MS Access, we can do that for you too.
System Upgrades
Testing and Remediating to new platforms

From time to time you will upgrade your Windows platform and most likely at the same time your MS Office platform. Either of these changes can cause your existing databases to stop working.
We have a lot of experience in locating, testing and remediating hundreds of MS Access databases on big business and government sites, we have remediated almost 700 MS Access databases to date using our purpose built system to co-ordinate over 500 databases on a single site. The best time to have this done is before you rollout your new platforms
Data Cleansing and Care
Getting your data right and looking after it

Sometimes your data can get messed up a little resulting in incorrect reporting, graphs or processing. We can come in and tidy your data up for.
Perhaps you need someone to take control of your data to ensure it is correctly and safely backed up, we can do that for you too.